Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Its's been ages since...

Its been ages since I've been here, to my blog. I am so sorry for going awol. We have moved back to the East Coast back in August. I am working for the federal government now, State Department. I am training in Bosnian language. We are trying to get pregnant with baby #2, all of these things are making for a very hectic schedule of mine and sadly the blog has fallen by the wayside.

Here is a picture of my Boo, she loves her tea parties and her doggie in the picture. She is growing more and more adorable. She turns 2 in two months! This is going by too fast!

What actually brought me back to this blog was that I haven't heard from a dear friend of mine from Denmark, it is unusal for him to go so long without corresponding. I am worried. He is older and I always fear something awful (yes I go straight to the worse case scenario). What should I do?? I'll keep trying to reach out to him, maybe he is away on vacation.


  1. It's maddening, when a friend goes silent even when you are trying to reach out to him. But if he's a good friend, I'd still try periodically and hope that he is away and will get back in touch with you.

    I'm glad to hear you are back on the East Coast, and sounds like there have been lots of big changes in your life!

  2. Two? wow.
    And the State Dept - wow, a real government employee now. Does this mean a move to Bosnia soon?

  3. So cute! I can't wait to see her again!

    Do you have any mutual friends you could contact? That is hard, being worried and so far away.

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

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