Thursday, December 20, 2012

Gun Control

Thanks for everyone's suggestions on the condolence message. I called and sent a card. Sadly soon after this post, the tragedy at Newton, CT happened. I cried in the car before I went in to pick up the baby at the daycare. It just broke my heart.

I know sincew the incident there has been a lot of talk about gun control, but I am highly skeptical. I remember after Columbine there were grandiose plans as well but came of that?? In 2001 I walked in the Million Mom march, I really thought we were going to make a difference. Nothing happened. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, the NRA and the gun lobby hold all of our politicans by their ba&#s.

I am just jaded, all this talk about gun control, blah, blah, blah, unless we see a diametric shift in our thinking (Americans) about guns and violence, I don't see any change being made possible.


  1. I'm skeptical, too. I don't look for any changes even though they are desperately needed.

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