Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who piped in about my depression yesterday, it made me feel better, loved, that I'm not unworthy. I guess it is an indication of my low self-esteem, which harkens to my childhood of being an A-class nerd growing up in suburbia America completely different from my classmates, but I am always in need of affirmation, most particularly when I'm feeling blue. I pray things will get better and am using my friend's mantra, "it will be ok" as I wake up each morning.

On a sidebar, wanted to shout out this blog that I really enjoy reading, since I seem unable to live in London (stupid work permit rules, first time in my life being an American citizen works against me, sheesh!), going to this blog is the next best thing! Check it out:


Blogger annie mole said...

Cheers Virginia Gal, and thanks for the link. Being in London isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be with the current transport kerfuffle, and at least you haven't got to put up with our rubbish Northern/Misery Line.

12:33 PM  
Blogger Merci said...

Ya know, must of us who grew up in suburbia were A-class nerds. That cool clique had a really limited membership.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Pax Romano said...


2:53 PM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Annie - I love your site, I feel like I ride the tube everyday when I click on. It really is like being in London for me (I'm such a nerd but everytime I come to London, I adore riding the tube, makes me feel like a native) :-)
Merci - I think you and I would have been friends in high school and it was that good friends that made high school bearable agains those cool kids, no?
Pax - Hugs and kisses - I love that song, going to put the cd on in the car when I get home!

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice site! ยป

2:00 PM  

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