Thursday, July 12, 2012

Where in the World is Virginia Gal??

Hello from the la-la crazy world of Virginia Gal...I can't wait for September when I'm only working one job - than I can devote more time to this blog.
I realize this blog has gotten insanely boring of late - to which I apologize. What little free time I have, I try to give to the baby, and she demands it. Good thing I think she is the most adorable person in the world.
Funny enough, just as my blog is getting oh-so-dull, my sister's is heating up. She just posted on her bucket list, interesting stuff for sure! I was pleasantly surprised to see she wants to live in another country for at least a year. I think she would enjoy that (well depending on the country).
I don't know what I would put on my bucket list, I suppose a few of the following:
  • Living in London
  • Working for either the Danish or English royal family
  • Working as a flight attendant
  • Re-learning Urdu
  • Getting to read all the books I desire
  • Increasing my alma mater's stature in the undergraduate world
  • Being a ballet company patron
  • Paying for baby's college, so she has no debt when graduating
We are now in the process of moving from Arizona back to Virginia, has anyone had to deal with movers? Oh my they are aggressive, I asked for a price quote on a website and I must have gotten 20 calls within that afternoon and they won't take "no" for an answer. Any tips on moving? Plus we have to get the cars moved, there are another set of sharks to deal with in that as well. Oy Vey!
I will be glad of one big thing in moving back to Virginia - no more weekend commuting back and forth from Arizona - this is for the birds. Either its the husband doing it or I am and its exhausting! Not only do you have to deal with the time difference but flying stand-by and with the baby, entertaining her for 2 or more hours on the flight in that tiny space, has never made me more grateful for a speedy pilot! I feel bad for the baby in having to go through this, I am so looking forward to the end of this communiting ordeal! 


Blogger Secret Agent Woman said...

I have only moved using movers once in my adult life, and that was just across town. Otherwise, it's always been U-Hauls. But the local company I used sent a couple of really nice guys, so I had no complaints. I hope your move goes smoothly!

3:00 PM  
Blogger Hina said...

yes, my blog was pretty awesome - but has been for awhile, especially my video game blog!

6:42 PM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Usually did our own UHaul move, but last one from SD to Vegas we did a big name moving company. I't only a six hour drive but the truck showed up three days late (expensive hotel time waiting). Only advice is to pay extra for a named national company. The cars - can't find anybody to drive for you?

11:34 AM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Secret Agent - thank you, me too, I hope it goes well!

Hina - oh brother (Kermit face)

Joe - oh shoot, I've already gotten a mover signed up, they are out of Las Vegas actually. I have to pay for their hotel stays??

1:06 PM  

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