Office Politics
So I am writing this on the DL (downlow). One of my managers at work is riding my ass. she was given this big project by our director and now I'm her slave.
Normally I grin and bare whatever crap is thrown at me, you name it and I'm game. But as I now know my time at the office is coming to a close, I'm less happy about doing stupid projects and this is the motherload of stupid projects! Basically it's an act of "let's move the rock here and than move it back again." It involves a lot of work and time for absolutely no reward. I was strong-armed into coming in this weekend to work on this act of futility. The manager runs around like a chicken with her head cut off, making herself and the project seem more important than it really is. She acts as if everything else should be dropped because her project is most vital. I had the audicity to be a little surly about working on this stupid stupid stupid project (hey I'm doing it am I not, no one said I had to have a smile on my face while doing it - gee thanks mast'a for beating me) and my director reprimended me "drop the attitude." '
Why don't you piss off!' is what I felt like saying to her, instead I said nothing. Your manufactured crisis is not my problem! Right, so sorry if this post is rambling, but have no time to re-read, I hear my manager getting off the phone, she is probably going to come into my cubicle again (she likes to check up on me, to catch me doing something I'm not suppose to be, so she can tattle tale.). Serenity now!!
This ssems to be the week for random lousy projects to be dumped on Short timers . . . I just had the same thing done to me when I walking in this morning. I will be SOOO happy to be out of this stupid department and away from the sucky uber-boss. I totally feel your pain today, Virginia Gal!
Chin up, love.
Hope it gets better! Rest up on your time off, and take your breaks. I forget them a lot, and then I wonder why I get jittery.
We missed you on saturday!!haha I like the end of your post--"Serenity now!!"you make me laugh.
Random Kath - thanks, it must be something in the DC area, lots of crappy projects out there!
Divine - amen sister - what a waste of time!
Anony - who r u?
Tony - a hug from you always helps : )
Merci - ahh the breaks, I must keep those in sight when I have to do this lousy work.
Naema - I'm so sorry I missed you guys on Saturday, I was hoping to make it back before you left - we will have to do something soon, always fun to hang out with you guys : )
Yes, drop the attitude. But take weekends off - it's your time. Smile and be nice but say 'sorry, not Saturday I've got a medical appointment'.
Joe - I like you, but I'm not dropping the attitude. I worked like a freaking mule on this stupid project and all I got was "you're not happy enough." I am losing my job in two months (or earlier) and they have the audcity to ask me to do a stupid project with a smile?! Give me a break!
Yep, I'd be calling in sick if asked to work weekends.
Brenda - well I'm traveling this weekend so coming in will not be a possiblity : ) Calling in sick is a good alternative also, hee hee.
Excellent, love it!
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