Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Say Anything

One day back and already I'm getting political. Sigh. But this was too good to pass up, Ninja Poodles had it on her website and I absconded with the idea (thanks Belinda!).

I usually don't agree with actors spouting out about politics, but when you're right, you're right and in this instance, Mr. John Cusack (who I've loved since Sixteen Candles) is dead on. He nails not only the hypocrites in office but takes to task the Democrats also for inactivity (which I whole heartedly agree with, wake up stupid Donkeys!). He has a call to action and that is most important, not just ranting but providing a bit of a solution. So go to the link, enjoy the thoughts and opinions of a fine thespian.

ps - I loved him in Better Off Dead, such a good movie! Did anyone else see that, or Serendipity? Both cute flicks in different ways.