This weekend, my last full weekend in Copenhagen, has been a whirlwind of activity. Friday night one of the girls on the hall had her 21st birthday. Since this undergrad was from America, you can imagine the hi-jinks that ensued...I played the "mom" role, cleaning up after the party and insuring that someone made sure the birthday girl got home safely (since the festivities moved on to a club, which I didn't join in with).

Today, Sunday, was an afternoon spent with my friends from Singapore, picnicking in the park. As you can see, many Danish had the same idea - lots of sun-bathers (though I stayed in the shade of a pretty tree). [plus you also see the bikes, what did I tell you about the bike culture here, eh?] The weather in Denmark has turned into something just beautiful (how ironic as I'm about to leave), which makes studying incredibly hard; but I did come in by 8pm to work on my exam stuff for next week. Blah.

Saturday (sorry the days are out of order), my friend and I went early in the morning to various flea markets around town. It was AMAZING! I got so many things for very cheap!! Plus the best part, one lady gave me a purse for free. When I first went to her stall, she quoted me 30 kroners, but I came back later (like 1/2 an hour later, still middle of the day) and bought a pin of Denmark from her for 5 kroners and she said, "here take the purse as my gift to you." Can you believe it?! I was so floored, I thanked her profusely and volunteered to pay something for the purse but she wouldn't have it. I just hope if she ever comes to visit America we are as nice as she was to me.
The picture above was from the Whit Sunday Carnival parade they held here in central Copenhagen, not on Sunday but Saturday. It was so hot, I felt bad for these dancers, they were sweating and you could see their skin already getting red. Lots of the lady dancers were barely clad (bikini, feather wearing attire, like the ones you see in Brazil) there were a lot of men on the parade route (more than the kids, aye!).
Today starts my official last week in Copenhagen...its been so much fun. Now I'm off to bed, tomorrow is Whit Sunday holiday here and I plan on using the day productively!
Is there really any cloth under there?
So, just what will you be doing on your return? I hope the time there has been as educational as you hoped. It sure looked like fun.
i think you're really gonna miss that place! it sounds like you've had the time of your life there!
good luck with your final week!
You'll take this experience with you for the rest of your life. Now you know, you must leave something of yours there so that you'll return someday.
I was wondering if she were one of the fleas! teehee!
Don't ya just dread that long flight! Bet you'll be glad to see family and friends!
How nice of the lady to give you the purse!
Safe trip home!
Oh it all looks so wonderful and like so much fun!!! Take more pics and post them!!!
Hope you had a great start to your week...
I've had so much fun reading about your time there - it is sad that it is coming to an end. Thanks for posting all the great pics and keeping us updated! Can't wait to see you. Have a great trip back!
Just rad back thourgh and caught up. I bet you'll miss it - looks like its been such a wonderful visit.
Joe- it was definitely educational, particularly for me...allowing me to gain much needed independence skills that I had lacked. I feel like I am more confident as well. When I return its back to VCU for one last class and hopefully graduation in August!
Molly - tak - it has been fun and I definitely am going to miss it!
Brenda - oh good point about leaving something, because I definitely want to come back someday!!
Mommantor - oh you are so sweet, yes it will definitely be a long flight home, but I am excited to see my mom and dad and sister!
Miz B - you're country has treated me amazingly well and I am definitely sad to leave.
Darla - Can't wait to see you either!
Citizen - it has been a wonderful time, despite Denmark's biting winters. I am going to miss this place for sure!
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