Queen Margrethe II Birthday!
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark celebrated her birthday yesterday, April 16th. As part of the tradition of celebration here in Denmark, the royal family comes out onto the palace balcony (their city palace, Amalienborg) and wave to the masses outside.
Naturally as a mad fan of all things royal, I was there standing, camera in hand and a Danish and American flag together to be waved. While not a national holiday (tomorrow is the national holiday, something called Prayer day?), there were lots of little children around, I'd say 70% of the crowd was under the age of 10. But I was NOT the only tourist there, thank you very much (but I was the only one who screamed like a banshee, hee hee). These Danes are much quieter than us Americans, they clapped and cheered respectfully for the Queen, but I know if the same thing had happened in the States, chances are good we would have created more of a raucous. The above picture is my view of the Royal family (I got a good look at the Australian-born Crown Princess, very pretty!).
i'm glad you cheered like a banshee! ... maybe the locals are less emphatic because they're used to it. but i say life is too short to clap politely!
Yup, just as I thought, you are there as a tourist. You once-in-a-while drop a line about classes, but we know it's just a cover for all the fun.
VG, man you are living on the edge!
Once more the royal fam's fave stalker! ;)
the whole family is attractive form the pics I have seen
Isn't that kiddo the cutest!
Most Skandanavians /Europeans are quieter than us, but at least u can hear us! lol
I was a big fan of Princess Diana but it was because she tried to change the image of the British Royal family and take away some of the "I'm entitled" atmosphere that surrounded them.
Oh *sniff*! Lucky you to be in my country! I had no clue! Live it up and give the place a HUGE kiss from me! Hehehehee...
Yep, I am back!
Molly - yes at least I'll have this memory!
Joe - shssh...don't tell my parents, that I'm enjoying my time here much more than studying - LOL.
Pax - Finally I've made number one on some list : )
Mommantor - yes we are a bit more "enthusiastic" I think all Europeans would agree about that and the kiddo is so cute!
Brenda - how funny I just finished reading a book about Diana and yes I really love her as well. Of all the royal families I think the English one is one of the more snooty.
Miz B - you're back!!! Yay!!! oh must stop by for a visit, ASAP!!
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