Thursday, January 26, 2006

Selective Democracy

Just when I think I can't get anymore frustrated by this dingbat Bush administration, I wake up to hear the latest in their absurdity.

It seems overnight, in Palestine, Hamas, a known organization with terrorist links, won the elections. Hamas will now lead the government in Palestine. Note, Hamas WON an ELECTION - which means the people of Palestine voted for them, it was all done using the vehicle of democracy. Hamas did not forced their way or overthrew another body of rule. They won fair and square (unlike some who shall not be mentioned, see 2000 presidential election).

The Bush juanta comes out immediately and says, "we will have nothing to do with a terrorist group." Hey, hey, hey - they might be terrorists, but they won using democracy. The people of Palestine chose them. G.W. and friends have no problems greasing the palms of leaders who have no ties to democracy (see Saudi Arabia, Pakistan) but now suddenly they turn their back on a government that was achieved through the very medium they shout they are protecting.

America and those oh-so patrotic Americans who drive around with yellow ribbons on their cars, claim that we have gone to Iraq to fight for democracy. The definition of democracy is "government exercised either directly by the people or through elected reprsentatives" - Webster's New College Dictionary. Nowhere in that definition is there an approval clause. It's funny in a way, so many right-wing parties are winning elections lately - not just G.W., but in Canada and now in Palestine (Hamas is religiously based miltant group, if that isn't right wing, what is?).

If we are truly fighting for democracy than we have to let it bloom without our constant interference. This means that sometimes the flower that comes out won't be something we find pretty, but we should be happy that it grew using our methods.

With smary Scott McClellan proclaiming that Bush and friends, "will not work with Hamas" he is once again showing the administration's hypocrisy and double standards and the continued ineptness of handling foreign affairs.

sidenote - following up from yesterday's post - British Airways is having a big fare sale! Doing the Virginia Gal calculations (adding taxs and fees), the prices look good - roughly $500-$600 for a roundtrip ticket to various destinations in Europe from various gateways in America. Remember the ticket will be cheaper if your departure and return dates are between Monday-Wednesday, if you leave from an East Coast location (NYC, PHL, BOS, EWR, IAD) and if you stay one Saturday. Tickets must be purchased by February 2, 2006. Travel must be completed by June 30, 2006.


Blogger Maidy said...

When I heard that on the radio this morning, I shook my head and thought "This can't be good."

Israel is probably thinking, "Thanks a lot everone who wanted this country parsed out!" Hamas is probably thinking, "Hey, this democracy thing ain't so bad."

Let's not fully blame Bush on this one though. Every President and his cabinet has wanted a pro-Democracy globe. They all think that the voting public will elect pro-Democracy aka pro-American officials. Palestine was a big hiccough in this vision.

Bush has every right not to deal with Palestine's government now. I doubt if any President, past or present, would have been all, "Oh goodie, Hamas is in. Let's invite them to the White House next week." Palestine used Democracy and the masses have spoken. America, as well as any other country, doesn't have to play with them if they don't want to.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Molly Malone said...

I responded on my blog to this post.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Laurie - hee hee, love to get you started. Yes, Islamic fundamentalism is just as scary as the Christian kind. The funny thing is that they are so much alike and yet they hate each other so much...go figure.
Maidink and Molly - I respectfully disagree. Currently the U.S. is friends with regimes that are just as bad as Hamas. As I said to Molly, at least with Hamas we know what we are getting unlike say Pakistan which will smile and with their right hand shake yours and with the left, press the timer on the bomb that kills you.
I firmly believe if you want change you must play - what exactly does America accomplish by ignoring Hamas and Palestinians?
oh let me see,probably what has already been going peace, no safety for either Palestinians or Israelis. Again my larger argument in this post - this administration went on and on about spreading democracy in the middle east...never once thinking it might not work to their advantage. Now that they are seeing democracy in action but not the direction they want - what are they going to do? Help keep democracy alive or crush it?
Really maybe if Rove wasn't so busy outing CIA agents he could have gone over and did some spinning for the ruling party in Palestine, so they wouldn't have lost.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Maidy said...

I, too, respect your opinion, though I think you are a bit over zealous on the subject matter.

The Bush admin has not been the only one wanting to spread the happy democracy bug everywhere. That's been going on for decades.

Again, just because Hamas won doesn't mean Bush has to play with them. There are probably a few countries out there with elected officials Bush states he will not deal with just as there are countries with sovereigns ruling the land he is friendly with. I believe there is a country in South America (Venezuela) with a democracy base and elected officials that Bush currently does not like at all. But I'm sure on some level somewhere, though, they all interact, not that the public will be privy of that.

And what's with the crushing democracy? The goofball said he doesn't deal with terrorists. He didn't dismiss the election or said he wouldn't recognize the winners. That would be destroying democracy. He just said what any US President fighting "a war on terror" would say.

In the long run, it doesn't matter what I think or anyone else. Governments will do as they see fit regardless of popular opinion polls.

4:47 PM  
Blogger Maidy said...

And I hope you know i still love ya! Even though we dont' see eye-to-eye on this.

Hey, at least we can both agree that Bush is a knucklehead!

4:53 PM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Maidink - yes I am very zealous on this issue, because it is a big one for the worldwide Muslim community. No matter where we come from, we all agree on the Palestine issue. Also, going abroad so often, I see how bad Bush is for America. It's a shame really. But you are right, one thing we can certainly agree on is that Bush is a knucklehead, hee hee : )
Laurie - oh my God, laughed at the press conference, especially when that camera fell down, too funny!!

8:37 AM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Good comparison - Hamas with the current US administration. Not only do we also admit our enemys must be destroyed, but then we go out and try to do it. What's the difference between somebody strapping on a bomb and using missiles to kill 17 in a Palastinien town? Somehow the guy carrying the stuff is a lot more committed to his beliefs.
He asked for democracy. He got it.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Joe - good point about how we behave very similarly to Hamas, it's scary actually. People would say that kind of thinking is unpatriotic. We better be careful before you and I know it, our phones will be wiretaped (man they will be bored with my phone conversations!).
I do love the GW asked for democracy and got it but not what he wanted, hee hee.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »

3:11 AM  

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