Night Owl

This weekend I was in Los Angeles, with the in-laws. It was fine, though mostly for my husband than for me. One thing I did notice is how much I adore the night (the sister-in-law has a great view of the valley).
I am a self-confessed night owl. If you know me at all, you will not find this surprising in the least. I do wonder why this is?? Is there something in our genetic make-up that predisposes us to staying up late or getting up early?? I can stay awake till 2 or 3am in the morning with ease. I love that time of night after 11pm; when it seems the world has gone to sleep and you are awake. Its so tranquil, so calm. Its my favorite time of the day. Is that unusual? Well, I don't care!
How can I describe what I feel in those hours? I suppose what I enjoy most is that it is my time, everyone else is asleep. I can do what I want, as a child I could escape through books and today through a combination of books and the Internet. Even in Denmark, night was my favorite time, I would sometimes open the window and just lean out and stare at the canal down the street, relishing in the fact that it was midnight and I was living in beautiful Copenhagen.
Heck part of the appeal for me working at the amphitheater in my Virginia hometown every summer is that we always get out after 11:30pm and I love driving through Manassas at night, its one of my favorite trips to make (from the amphitheater to mom and dad's house). Everything seems so nice, in place, with no problems.
Night for me is when the clear waters come upon my soul and give me time to rest from the worries of the world, to relish in being alive.
In fact if I was Emily from the play, Our Town and given one opportunity to visit something from my past, it would be that night in Delhi, when my uncles and my aunts, my mum and my grandparents (both Nana and Nani), were alive, sitting one level below me (in my grandparents house) out on the veranda, laughing and talking. It was late at night. All of us kids were on the upstairs rooms/veranda, supposedly sleeping (but of course as a night owl, I wasn't). My cousins and sister were fast asleep and I could hear the laughter and conversation belowstairs clearly. Down the street, someone was playing music from a Bollywood film, one of my favorites. The sky was so clear, a few stars. I felt so contented.
I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. ~Vincent Van Gogh
ps - and yes, I am NOT a morning person, a later post to come on how I hate the morning!
'Night for me is when the clear waters come upon my soul and give me time to rest from the worries of the world, to relish in being alive.'
Beautiful! I'm the same - I love nights. I keep trying to train myself to be a morning person because of my class schedule and early morning commuting, but it's not working well. I miss the late nights - that's when I feel most alert and alive.
Wait a minute - what was that 'baby' thing in the last comments. Something else I missed?
me too! I love the quiet stillness. I've never had trouble staying up. In fact I really dont feel the need to sleep much anytime of day except the 5 & 6am spot I must sleep though, then I'm good to go.
I am so happy internet is here for that reason
Yes, night owl here, too. I love to be outside at night, weather and mosquitoes permitting. However, I also love to sleep, so I have to make myself go to bed at a reasonable hour or getting up is brutal. Getting up is usually brutal, anyway.
I am a night owl by nature, but kids needing to get to school and me needing to get to work before 8 requires a morning person's schedule.
I am a night owl by nature, but kids needing to get to school and me needing to get to work before 8 requires a morning person's schedule.
Kate - me too, most alert and alive!!
Joe - friend of mine, not me! No baby in sight for me!
Mommantor - amen sister, internet is my friend for night time!
Merci - getting up is so brutal, I concur!
Secret Agent - aye those pesky kids and their dog, ha ha!
Very helpful info, thank you for your article.
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