Thursday, April 07, 2011

Stay At Home Mommy

Currently I am a stay-at-home momma....and you would think that would drive me crazy, wrong! I love it! I fall more and more in love with baby every day, she is too cute! She is so sweet as well! I can't even imagine going back to work and leaving her with someone, just the though makes me get weepy. Yes I don't get much done because she likes to be held all the time but somehow it works and we are both happy (smile).

Husband and I are now officially RedBox fans! Since we can't really go the movies, we do Red Box Fridays - its great! I look forward to it and only for $1! So far we have seen:
The A-Team
The Fighter*
The Social Network*
127 Hours
The American
The Other Guys
Despicable Me
Remains of the Day (that was rented from the library).

*I highly recommend these two, they were fantastic!!

In figure skating news, they have moved the World Championships to April 24th and to Moscow (originally scheduled for late March and to be held in Tokyo). I can't wait!


Blogger Hina said...

Despicable Me was made of all kinds of aweosme - you need to watch it again and without interuptions!

also, that movie made me cry...

8:32 AM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

A stay at home mom - wow

2:02 PM  
Blogger secret agent woman said...

I adored the time I had home with my babies, too, although I wish I could have done it longer.

9:07 PM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Hina - what movie doesn't make you cry?

Joe - I know who would have thought it?!

Secret Agent - I know that is my fear, we can't really have me financially stay at home for super long.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Molly Malone said...

Be as productive as you can now. Trust me, even though it seems like it's impossible to get stuff done, it's way easier before she starts rolling, and crawling, and walking, and climbing and running and, and, and ... and I just wish I had taken advantage of every 20 minute block I had.
... actually, scrap that: I DID take advantage of every 20 minute block. It's just impossible. But it gets moreso once they become mobile!

10:39 AM  

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