Monday, January 09, 2006


Side note - Didn't travel this weekend - surprisingly relaxing, caught up on sleep and chores and hung out with good friends who are like sisters (next time no horror movie watching though, I'm still scared!).

Flipping television channels recently and stopped on Access Hollywood whose main storyline was, "Why Lindsey Lohan is in a hospital." Egads, why do I care?! Really is there nothing more important in the world than following the lives of these shallow vapid people who occupy Hollywood? What is wrong with me that I get sucked into "are Tom and Katie still a couple?" WHO CARE'S??? Why do we follow these things with such interest? My God you can't watch VHI anymore without being inundated (sp) with celebrities. I particulary enjoy hating, "The Good Life of so and so" which proceeds to make us feel bad about our lives because we don't have four birthday parties in four different cities and spend $500 for weekly facials a la Paris Hilton (why is she famous btw?). I'm just befuddled and amazed by our celebrity culture. What are we teaching children by idolizing these weirdos (oh come on you know celebrities are a little off their rocker, heck look at Renee Zellwegger, you can tell she is a loose cannon, crazy)? These people's lives are one big indulgence to themselves, who adhere to their own moral code. Take for instance the self lovefest that is the Oscars, Lord what isn't a bigger example of the
egotistical society that is celebreality?

Maybe its just as I get older, I can see these Hollywood types for what they really are, fakers, Wizard of Oz's who don't want us to look behind the screen. And yet people follow these celebrities, people so wholy unrelated to their lives, like God's, why?

At the same time I hate those snobby people who, when you are trying to make conversation at say like a dinner party and bring what I consider the safe topic of Hollywood gossip, reply with a "I'm so busy I don't have time for that" or the equally elitist "I don't care about those things" as if they are some how above it - puhlease! They are just losers who don't keep up with current events.

Another issue where I'm a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde - I just don't get our celebreality culture.


Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Wait a minute - complaining about 'why to we care' and then talking about 'losers who don't keep up with current events'? On both sides, ??
Even with 100 channels and nothing on we all stop at Access Hollywood once in a while.

10:34 AM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Joe - I am on both sides hate it and love it. I think my problem with people who say "I don' care about these things" are implying that if you do, somehow you are bad or stupid. I don't think a person is bad for filling their life with Hollywood stuff, I just want to know WHY they do that and why we as a society so adore these Hollywood people?
Also I think you don't have to like Hollywood but to not know at all what is going on in the world cause "your so above it" makes you as dumb as the person who buys every copy of the Enquirer and believes whats inside. You can't live in a bubble but you don't have to be an addict either.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i have to say i love VH1 because they make so much fun of the celebritys.and i have to agree!
true no more horror movies!

5:35 PM  
Blogger Merci said...

I can't watch horror movies. I'm too lily-livered.

I know what you mean about the Hollywood thing. Can't help talking about it sometimes, it's part of our culture. But I don't like to get too wrapped up in it. I hate it when a news story about a celeb is played over and over.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Maidy said...

I, too, could give a hoot about who's doing what with whom in the realm of the Rich and Beautiful jetset. I get my current events from standing at the checkout line at the Acme. And from my internet startup page.

Paris is famous because she wants to be famous. She has lots of money and a wealthy family. Put those two things together and VOILA! You get someone who's fame, like that of the Gabor sisters, escapes me.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Naema - no more horror movies!
Merci - totally agree about the news story stuff, when it is played over and over again i.e. Brad and Jen broke. Oh lord, I'm sorry for them but geez it happens to the best of them - why are we focused on these two? I'm confused.
Maidink - Paris truly is only famous because she is rich and comes from a wealthy family, honestly if she were in WV, she'd be married by now with two kids cutting coupons for groceries and driving a minivan, like everyone else!
Laurie - Star magazine, hee hee. My Grandpa, a college English professor for over 20 years still reads that magazine : )

2:28 PM  

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