A wonderful shot of the Copenhagen Botanical Gardens - taken by yours truly yesterday, when the weather was gorgeous. Today the weather was wet and gray. This Danish weather is so contrary, one day beautiful, the next miserable. It's like Mother Nature can not make up her mind, she keeps teasing all of us here in Denmark - yesterday was so lovely!! I spent all day out with some friends in the large Botanical Garden that sits quite close to the center of town, the flowers were blooming, the ducks were waddling (quite aggressive here in Denmark, greedy little buggers, use to always getting fed!), and outside we stopped at a flower market.
I wish I had taken a picture of the flower markets here, they are so big and lovely; every color and shade of the rainbow - pink Gerber daisies, purple tulips, orange roses, blue hyacinths, and oh the bouquets they make here! Just as if one has come from a wedding...I splurged bought myself $1 potted plant - red and yellow African violets (now pray I don't kill it).
This is one thing I'm mostly definitely going to miss about Denmark - the flowers...now if only Mother Nature would usher in spring and leave winter behind, ahhh that would be truly lovely.
I love botanical gardens. But are you even allowed to bring flowers back from overseas? Or is it s temporary plant to enjoy while you are there?
Hey gal, you would be having the same type of weather here in the states-you aren't missing anything in that respect! Sat. it was 62 degrees, sunny, just gergeous
within a few minutes a storm came in We thought a tornado or something like that, then boom it was 39 degrees, raining, hail and WIND! It has been in the 30's since then!
I lovr flowers and greenery and SPRING!
Awesome travel pics! Happy Travels in Viking land!
Flowers and sunshine. Hope it warms up too, but variety at times is nice.
VG -- unrelated to this post, but sending you a bit of sunshine from home. :) Be on the lookout for a care package!
(Gaby loves the postcards! She took them to school for show and tell)
a $1 potted plant?! you live so much on the edge! how're the kids going to eat tonight, splurger? ;)
Citizen of the world - sadly I can't bring plants back - I think something to do with customs or something...
Mommantor - I love greenery and spring as well - its my favorite season!
Eroswings - Welcome and thank you! Not so much traveling in Viking land as living - well for four months anyway : )
Joe - we are certainly getting variety, it was so warm here on Monday and today its hailing, crazy!
Shannon - oh that is so sweet - she took them for show and tell. I hope she liked them and thank you in advance for my package, it is super duper appreciated!!!
Molly - you know me (flipping up hands), I'm a big spender, hee hee.
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