Happy New Year!

“Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
W.A. Ward
2008 was a fantastic year for me, starting with four fabulous months living in Denmark, enjoying every minute of it; including making new friends from around the world, watching the Danish Royal ballet with the Danish Queen and walking along the canal in beautiful downtown Copenhagen Sunday mornings. I also graduated with my Masters in Business Administration (MBA), attended and enjoyed my cousin's and close friends (S, S, & J's) weddings, and had a fun-filled girl's weekend in New York City, getting to see Daniel Radcliffe live on Broadway. After more than 15 years, my favorite band, New Kids on the Block, reunited and I went with my childhood friends to the reunion concert, screaming like 12-year-olds. Finally, I volunteered for and lived through American history, seeing the first black man elected President of the United States of America. 2008 was indeed a GREAT year!
Happy New Year and Blessings for 2009
- Virginia Gal
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
W.A. Ward
2008 was a fantastic year for me, starting with four fabulous months living in Denmark, enjoying every minute of it; including making new friends from around the world, watching the Danish Royal ballet with the Danish Queen and walking along the canal in beautiful downtown Copenhagen Sunday mornings. I also graduated with my Masters in Business Administration (MBA), attended and enjoyed my cousin's and close friends (S, S, & J's) weddings, and had a fun-filled girl's weekend in New York City, getting to see Daniel Radcliffe live on Broadway. After more than 15 years, my favorite band, New Kids on the Block, reunited and I went with my childhood friends to the reunion concert, screaming like 12-year-olds. Finally, I volunteered for and lived through American history, seeing the first black man elected President of the United States of America. 2008 was indeed a GREAT year!
Happy New Year and Blessings for 2009
- Virginia Gal
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too!!
Happy New Year Master VG!
Happy New Year to you, too, Virginia Gal. Here's hoping 2009 brings even more blessings!
And a wonderful New Year to you as well!
Stock Option - Best!
Kate - and to you and J as well : )
Joe - thank you.
Molly - amen sister to those blessings : )
Citizen - thank you!
Good day !.
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