Last year was my first time really understanding the whole holiday of Easter, because of my attendance at church in Copenhagen. I enjoyed the entire lent season. It reminded me much of Ramadan - the church would have special events during the month leading up to Easter, study sessions, special services (just as at the Mosque we have special evening prayers, study groups etc). I learned so much about the events of the last week of the Prophet Jesus's (pbuh) life. Also what I thought was interesting (and also typical of Ramadan) is the increase in church attendance during this holy time. Heck, even the colors of the alter changed each week, way cool!
I miss going to St. Alban's of Copenhagen, Denmark. Best to all those celebrating this holiday this weekend!
I love Peeps, BUUT they are so bad for me-a diabetic!
The grands look at them and I am sure they salivate. I left some in their Easter Baskets. Mom has to corral them with too sugar TEEHEE
Their really is overlap between Islam, Judaism and Christianity, isn't there? Looking at all three can only enhance our understanding of each, they share so much.
I LOVE the diaorama. Did you see this year's winner? Nicely done. Is this one yours?
Mommantor - those peeps are nothing but sugar, your grandkids are going to be climbing the wall, ha ha.
Merci - yes the overlaps are mind-boggling when you think on it, no?
Molly - so not mine and yes I saw in the Post today the winner and it was adorable though I loved the runner-up "Mrs. Peepcock in the Conservatory," its a scene from the boardgame, Clue.
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