Missing Monday

ok this is a week old...sorry - last week I was sick as a dog (hence the post title).....
DOB: May 21, 1990
Missing: Jul 24, 2006
Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Eyes: Brown
Race: Black
Age Now: 16
Sex: Male
Weight: 125 lbs (57 kg)
Hair: Black
Jeremy was last seen on July 24, 2006 at 1800 hours on Mallside Forest Drive. He was seen wearing a white t-shirt and black Nike shoes. His ears are pierced.
The Virginia State police site has a ton of kids on there (sadly) and I can't say why, but something about this kid's pic just made me want to stop and reach out, help. I hope he finds his way home and to the right path. Amen.
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