Missing Monday

Missing Monday
Kyle Brennan
Age: 20
DOB: 4/2/1986
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 140
Missing From: Albemarle County, VA
Missing Since: 11/27/2006
Contact: ALBEMARLE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Detective Carl Brown 434-296-5807
Brennan left his home in Albemarle County on November 27, 2006 after cleaning out his bank account. Brennan was seen in Des Moines, IA at the FBI office and at his relative's residence in San Diego, CA. He purchased a cell phone around January 12, 2007. Records indicate that as of 2/2/07, the cell phone he purchased is in Kahului Maui near the intersection of Dairy Rd and Lehuakona St. close to Hana Hwy. Brennan has previously been under psychiatric care for depression and periods of delusion and paranoia. He is supposed to be on Lexipro medication.
Approach with caution for Brennan may be fearful of police and we are not certain how he may respond to authority figures.
This is so sad, I do hope he is ok - may some guardian angel find him and bring him home.
I hope someone finds him safe and sound. And since he has psychotic symptoms, I hope when they do they get him on an actual anti-psychotic. Poor child.
Nice new pic of Nathan
CS - so true, that his drugs might be doing him more harm than good. I am praying for him.
Mommanator - very sad and thanks, Nathan - he is easy on the eyes!
Thanks for doing a Missing Monday!
Actually, this is outdated -- Kyle died in February of this year. His mom has a website about it here: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Secrets/Kyle_Brennan/index.html
Thank you for caring about my brother Kyle. You have a kind heart! He would have liked that.Kyle's maternal grandmothers name was Fillion. He was half French Canadian. I thought it was an interesting coincidence that your current crush would have the same name.You can visit my brother at www.kylebrennan.com or leave a comment at respectance.com/
Once again ...thanks for caring. Kyle was a great guy!!1
Sean Brennan
I feel so bad for this young man. I looked at the web site. It seems as though he is dead because of Scientology's whacky beliefs.His father is a piece of crud.
Hey, Kyle even looks a little like the tv star Nathan Fillion.Both having canadian backgrounds they could be related somehow.
I would like to ask Kyle's brother how this cult could get away with what they did.Since it is my understanding that he was a Catholic, not a Scientologist.It's one story if your apart of the wierdness. To inflict your beliefs on someone else...well that is wrong. I sure hope the Catholic Church knows about this and will speak out on behalf of one of their own.
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