Missing you...
- Late night tea chats with E.
- Watching Desperate Housewives with M and E.
- The gorgeous view as I walked down my street of the canal.
- Living in the center of town.
- Hanging with friends.
- Monday night ladies dinners.
- Exploring Copenhagen on the bus.
- Walking to church on Sunday mornings
- Chilling with my hallmates as they pre-gamed on a Friday.
- Making dinner with the hallmates.
- Coffee with L, complaining about class.
- Shopping with Mi.
- Getting weekly flowers from Magasin.
On a few side notes, I continue to boycott Burger King, they refuse to give their tomato workers a penny pay raise, I wish Hillary would bow out gracefully, I hope Obama picks Jim Webb for his VP pick, I pray either Stephanie, Antonia or Richard wins Top Chef but not whiny mean Lisa! and I'm frightened by the rising food shortages around the world, this should give us pause to think not to waste food at all!
yeh, look at the food they waste on top chef, but it is an enjopyable show. I agree it's time Lisa goes with her arm folded stance! All the rest left seem like real nice folk, but guess you don't have to be nice to be top chef!
I should write what I miss about Florida, but everyone prob already knows!
Sounds like you are too busy back here to have time to think about your last few months vacation.
is Obama considering Webb? i want him to pick Edwards; though Webb would definitely pull some republicans over to the vote.
Thanks for coming to the partayyyy! We had fun talking about your trip and all your adventures. Lisa needs to go. I don't think Webb will be on the ticket, but I am not sure who will be....I hope you have a good week!
I'm glad you had such a good trip that you are missing it.
Your life in Copenhagen sounded so lovely and fun - I ardently hope that you've brought a bit of your "Copenhagen life" back with you and will continue to explore and be open to the fun stuff around Northern Va this summer . . . and the rest of the year! It's so easy to fall back into old patterns . . .
Mommnator - oh I'm so glad to hear that you watch Top Chef and agree with my observations : )
Joe - yes life back in America does take on a tone of frantic!
Molly - from what I've heard Edwards is not being considered...though some are saying that perhaps Edwards will get a cabinet position.
H - I had a lovely time - yeah its a long shot with Webb but I've got fingers crossed for a Virginian, hee hee.
Citizen - thanks, yes isn't that the mark of a good trip, when one misses it..
Random Kath - oh yes I definitely hope to take life more easy as I did in Copenhagen and not stress like I use to : )
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