The Olympics are Coming! Car Hire Ireland!

First - thank you all for your kind words and suggestions, a week after the rejection, I'm doing much better. I have some new perspectives on the horizon and that is helping A LOT!
As you may or may not be aware, the Winter Olympics begin this Friday!!! I am a HUGE fan of the Winter Olympics! Naturally this is because of the figure skating. I cannot wait for the competitions to begin!!! Its time for some guard change in figure skating and I'm hoping after this Olympics, we (the ice skating world) will shake out some of the old blood and replace with new guys!
The figure skating discipline I will be watching most avidly is Ice Dancing. My favorite couple is Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, from Canada (pictured above), they are poised to win at least a silver. The sad news is that ice dancing, of the four figure skating categories (mens, womens, pairs and ice dancing), is the least likely to see any drastic revolutions. Russians have won the gold in that category for the past 50 years (with two exceptions, GB Torvil and Dean and FR Annissna and Peizorot).
This year more than ever the Russians do NOT deserve to win and yet they will. I hate that about ice dancing. The judges have already set the stage so that Domina and Shablin will win, despite the fact that they were inactive last year due to injuries and did nothing this year except Europeans (to qualify for the Olympics). The Russian's free dance is totally unrefined compared to Virtue and Moir's or American's - Belbin and Agosto's, yet because they are Russian they will get that gold. It is a tragedy! Domina and Shablin skated a month ago at Europeans and I watched their program, not good! They were not in sync and no innovative lifts - dullsville!
My prediction is that unless the Russians just totally fall apart (meaning falling flat on their faces), they will win - though if anyone can beat them its Virtue and Moir (skating in their home country!).
One of the other things I love about the Olympics is seeing all the various countries who compete where winter and winter sports is not a native idea, countries like India, Jamaica, South Africa, Kenya, heck even Ireland. All of these are countries, by the way where I would either have a chauffeur driving or a car hire (i.e. car hire Dublin), if I was going to visit. I'm brave but having never been trained in the British way of driving, I'm not risking it (smile).
I love the figure skating, but rarely get a chance to see much of it and no Tivo.
I like the figure skating, but I haven't followed it for awhile.
Being a passenger in a car in Ireland is hair-raising enough without actually being the driver. Still, it's best to see Ireland by car so that you may wander a bit and stop in any place that tickles your fancy.
Driving on the left is no different than on the right. I hired a car in England & drove all over, even went to Wales & Scotland, was great fun!
I too love the Winter Olympics, just wish I could afford to actually go!
The ice dancers from the US look great this year!
Secret Agent - hopefully you can catch the highlights at least : )
Merci - you haven't followed it for a while, no worries, now is your time to start!
Mommantator - you said it sister, there will be an American on the podium for ice dancing! They look dang good!
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