Thursday, May 06, 2010

Sister's Surgery

I am back from Virginia. I went out because my sister was having surgery this past Tuesday. They found a cyst on her thyroid. Thank God, it was benign. We (my entire family) were very worried, she is only 30, she should not be dealing with cancer at her age. It definitely made me grateful to God that as children, my sister and I never had any of these issues. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like for parents with sick children - how hard it must be.

Have to say the hospital staff were extra super nice to my sister, I've never seen such nice people (reminder to self to tell sister to maybe send a gift to her recovery team). One of the nurses even came by with ice cream in the afternoon after my sister's surgery because my sister had mentioned it before the surgery (how she loves ice cream). It was really sweet.

Now my poor Mother is taking care of the invalid (well not really invalid as much as groggy patient, hopped up on painkillers). Good luck with that Mum!

I return to stinky Arizona (the pilot on my Denver to Phoenix flight had the audacity to say "The great state of Arizona." hrmph!), with a sore throat, thank you Dad (smile).

Summer heat hitting you, need something to cool down with, like to try all things unique and unusual.....hit the Starbucks Happy Hour. Between May 7 - May 16, enjoy a half-price Frappuccino blended beverage at participating Starbucks in the afternoon - 3 to 5pm.


Blogger secret agent woman said...

Glad to hear the outcome was good - what a relief for you all.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sister - what a scare that must have been! But I'm so glad everything is ok.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

I'm so glad to hear that it was benign - what a scare, though! :-(

5:00 PM  
Blogger my mind wanders said...

Tell her I'm thinking of her, and am SO glad everything turned out for the best!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Brenda said...

It's great to hear that she'll be ok!! Surgery is so scary at any time.

7:36 PM  
Blogger mommanator said...

Hope all is well by now with the sister, what a scare.
UMM will ahve to try the Starbucks thing, just have to remember!

10:02 PM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Does your hubby like Arizona that much that you can't talk him away?

2:15 PM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Hey VG - we're coming down to Phoenix the end of the month. Will you be around?

2:32 PM  
Blogger Merci said...

Glad all went well, and hope her recovery is quick! It's nice that you could be there.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Secret Agent - Thank you dear : )

Kate - Thank you for the prayers.

Darla - It was quite the scare, especially since she is relatively young for cancer scares.

H - I will definitely tell her that you send your good wishes.

Brenda - yes surgery is scary at any time, my mom was wreck about it.

Mommantor - always scary with the doctor, yes you must go to the Starbucks and try one, I am going just because this is the only time of the year those Frapp's are affordable.

Joe - We will totally be around! I would love to meet up!!!

Merci - Yes the beauty of a 30-yr old is quick recovery, thanks for the well wishes!

10:28 PM  

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