Monday, March 29, 2010

Reading Life

Well there is a week of my reading life I won't get back. I just finished Elizabeth Kostova's new book, "The Swan Thieves." oh my, what a dull book! I am rather disappointed. I really enjoyed her first novel, "The Historian" about a professor tracking down Dracula. It was fascinating, with twists and turns and well-written. Hence, I was anticipating her second book, but what a let down! Has that ever happened to you? To top it off, the silly second novel was close to 600 pages (my God, her editor should be shot, I found reams of pages that could have been cut, not to mention the saving of forests!). Once I had gotten about 50 pages into the book, I decided I couldn't not finish it, even though it was a snooze fest! I hate not being able to conquer a book, even if it sucks - I don't want it to defeat me. Though I think Oprah once said if a book doesn't catch your fancy by the first 100 pages, let it go.

What I particularly find hilarious in this disappointment of a book is that Elizabeth Kostova was lauded as the next wonderkin by the literary world, a Yale graduate, she had already won prizes for her first book before it was even finished - just goes to show you can't predict'em.

Well, the hubby and I are off to Las Vegas for a mini-vacation, see everyone back at the end of the week! (I have a good book in hand this time around!).


Blogger my mind wanders said...

Vegas Baby Vegas! have fun! Oh, the memories of the Saraha buffet are coming back to me! Remember? AH!! I can feel my fingers swelling as I type this! He he!

6:40 PM  
Blogger secret agent woman said...

Your more patient than I am - I usually quit a book if I'm bored.

Have a great trip!

9:13 PM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

To Vegas and you didn't call me? Humpf

12:18 AM  
Blogger mommanator said...

fun time in Vegas with the hubby!
I couldnt read that book if it bored you!

12:24 AM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

H - all the memories came back, it was wild!!! Didn't get to a buffet this time, lol.

Secret Agent - trip was awesome!

Joe - I am so sorry!!! I forgot your number, but I thought of you every day!!!

Mommanator - don't waste your time with this book!

2:33 AM  

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