Thursday, June 03, 2010

Pieces of Heaven - Dublin Airport Car Hire

Of late I have been thinking of Copenhagen, my beloved Copenhagen. Life for those four months was amazing. As I am driving home from my blah retail gig here in Phoenix, I think of my time in Denmark - it seems like it was all dream, because to me those days were God's way of showing me slices of heaven. Could that be? I have to say if that is the vision of the hereafter, I am going to start working extra hard to get in!

During those four months in Scandinavia, I think I had two bad days, only two?! Every morning I relished the day ahead, even if it was raining (sometimes because it was raining) or I had studying to do (I did of course go there for school, though that seemed cursory in the great scheme of things). My favorite days were Saturday, when I could explore Copenhagen without worry of attending class and Sunday, when I would wake up early to attend church services at St. Alban's, enjoying the city in those morning hours, walking by myself. Perhaps, and probably so, those days were so great because it was a break from my regular life, chock full of its worries and problems.

Interestingly enough, and I don't think I've shared this before - when I was trying to find international business programs for my semester abroad, I narrowed my search down to two, the school in Copenhagen and one in Ireland, Dublin. I wonder what would have happened if I had picked the program in Dublin. Would I have had as great a time? Would it have been as much leisure time as I had in Copenhagen? would I have made such amazing friends? I do know, that just like in Denmark, I would not have driven around. In Ireland if I did want to drive around I could have gotten a Dublin Car Rental. I am not sure about the car situation in Denmark. In this situation, I don't really care about what could have been - because I loved what beloved Copenhagen, a piece of heaven.


Blogger mommanator said...

Isnt it wonderful to have great remembrances of a time gone by! They prob will always stay with you.
I try not to look at what might have been 'if' and try and stay pleased in the present. We have so many things to be thankful for. I look at others situations and I really have it pretty good and am thankful to GOD for it!

8:00 AM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Well then, save up and keep going back for vacations. Perhaps you could find a job there - depending on hubbie of course.

1:21 PM  
Blogger secret agent woman said...

I hope some day you are able to return for a visit.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Mommanator - you are so right, thank you dear, I need to be better on staying in the present. Bless you.

Joe - definitely working towards finding a job there!

Secret Agent - thank you for the positive thoughts!

11:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

from my point of view hiring car rentals is the best choice ....... it helps you to visit the place according to you an your mood

check out jfk airport taxi and limo

9:13 AM  

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