No Whining Zone

Enough whining by Virginia least for this week (smile). Thanks for everyone's kind words and sentiments, guess I'm just going through something right now - hopefully it too will pass (or I'll get committed - whichever comes first).
School starts in a week - lord I'm so not ready. One of my professors gave us a reading assignment already. HEL-LO doesn't he know we are still on vacation? Sheesh! I think I'll wait till next week to get started on that..that class isn't until Tuesday August 28th anyway.
India's Inpendence Day was yesterday - I've spent a number of childhood summers in India, during Independence Day celebrations. It is lots of fun, lots of color, lights, partying. One of the traditions in the big cities, like New Delhi, is for people to go fly kites on house roofs (almost all homes in India are built with flat roofs, terraces on top). You can look up at the sky and see thousands of these paper kites in multicolors and designs, really pretty! The kids partake in kite fights, where you work to cut the string of other's kites with your own, while still keeping your kite flying. These kite fights can get intense but since the paper kites cost like nothing, a few rupee's, its all in good fun. My sister, the sports lover, learned to fly the kites; me - never could get the hang of it and rather enjoyed watching others. I loved visiting around Independence Day - my uncles would have the day off and spend it at home entertaining my sister and I.
My cousins just got back from a big trip to India - haven't talked to them yet but am dying to hear how they enjoyed it. They hadn't been back in ages, like ten years (I'm the only one of the seven cousins, who tries to go back every year, this year would have gone as well but my parents didn't want to foot the air bill, I'm so spoiled, hee hee).
Class starts in less than two weeks? Only two more summer weekends to go - how did the internship work out, learn a lot?
The Independance day in India sounds like so much fun! and must be quite beautiful with all the kites in flight, don't you have pics to sahre on it!
Glad you are not whining for a week! you must be feeling better. Can you believe the summer is almost gone! I cant we are busy buying kids school stuff here!
Summer has just flown by! School here starts on the 27th for the kiddos already!
As for the kite flying, it sounds fabulous and like a great pictorial project (hint, hint!)
That is a beautiful image you described here, with thousands of multi-colord kites, flying high from rooftops. On a dreary day like today, that is such a cheerful vision! Do you have any pictures?
All those kites ound really beautiful. I used to an event in Charlottesville called "Kite Day" which was a big picnic with lives music and tons of kites in the air.
Joe - the internship was fantastic, I learned so much!!! I hope this will make me a better MBA candidate when I graduate, more rounded.
Mommantor - man you said it, where did the summer go?! I can't believe it, just flew by...something about being in school makes summer's go at the speed of light, LOL.
MizB - I can't wait to hear about your kids experiences back in school in America! I hope they are still using their spanish...I'm so envious of your children's multi-lingual ability!
Random Kath - can you believe for the amount of times I've been, no one ever thought to take a pic...I'll have to find something online LOL.
CS - It is beautiful and just amazing..I think what i really enjoyed about seeing it, is for that one day, one moment, all the differences are set aside in India and everyone is just one - a part of humanity, no divides, enjoying freedom with a silly colored kite.
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