Eid Murbarak

EID Mubarak (happy EID)!!!
The month of fasting ends tomorrow, Friday, and we celebrate Saturday, lots of eating and meeting old friends. This particular month of fasting has just flown by for me.
Wikpedia has a good description of what goes on, on EID:
"The Eid prayer (salah) is followed by the khutba (sermon) and then a prayer (dua') asking for forgiveness, mercy and help for the plight of Muslims across the world. It is then customary to embrace the persons sitting on either side of oneself as well as ones relatives, friends and acquaintances.
Muslims spend the day thanking the Creator for all their blessings, as well as simply having fun and enjoying themselves. Children are normally given gifts or money."
Muslims spend the day thanking the Creator for all their blessings, as well as simply having fun and enjoying themselves. Children are normally given gifts or money."
Wishing peace, joy, wisdom and happiness to all; may ALLAH's blessings be with you on this special day and always!
Happy EID!
Eid Mubarak!
(am I saying that right?)
Well, Happy EID to you! Hope you have a great celebration.
Eid Mubarak (a little late), Virginia Gal!
Hi! I wandered over through so many blogs I'm not reallly sure where I started (Pea's maybe?) but I enjoy your thoughtful topics and just wanted to say hello. And peace, joy, wisdom and happiness to you as well.
:) T
Hope you had a great day. We sure missed you on Friday!
Sorry to have been on the lam lately. I hope your Eid was blessed. Eid Mubarak - better late than never!
Tony - you are totally saying it right and thank you!
CS - it was a fun day indeed - thanks!
Merci - Thank you dear, hope you are well!
SmileyMamat - Welcome! oh thanks for the love, I always fear my posts are so dumb that even my faithful friends will go away. Peace and joy to you as well!
Darla - oh man I'm sorry I missed it but I was there in spirit!
Molly - Exactly better late than never, I'm still getting around to wishing my fellow Muslim friends Eid Mubarak, so no worries, hee hee.
Well, as always I'm late to the party.
Happy Happy none the less!
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