The Opening Ceremonies and Dublin Car Rental

Who watched the 2010 Vancouver Olympics opening ceremony? Obviously I did. I am sorry to say, I love many things about Canada, but this opening ceremony was not one of them. All that comes to mind is, what were they thinking?!
When I imagine Olympic opening ceremonies, I imagine something with life, zing, excitement - this is the time for the host city to set the tone of the entire games, the 16 days that you (the host city) have toiled away for, spent millions of dollars for, is a silly projector show really how you want to go?
I can understand that there was a somber pail over the ceremonies as the poor athlete from Georgia had just died that day, yet Vancouver had been planning these Olympics for over four years, no way they could have dulled down the entire opening show in one day - they had decided to go that route from the beginning. How sad.
Where to begin with what I didn't like, the tiny dancers, nothing much in unison, the somber and sad songs. There was no gravitas to the event.
I had some hope for the moment when they brought out the fiddlers, but even that was done not so well. Instead of an organized step dancing, where we, the audience, would be awed by the unison and synchronization, like one sees in Irish step dancing, it was all haphazard, with bizarre costumes and yellow lightening that washed out the dancers anyway. I wonder if Ireland had done the Olympics, would they include traditional Irish dancing, they would be crazy not too. I know one thing I could count on, getting transportation from with a nice Dublin car rental!
For those who did watch the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, what did you think?
You are so right, the Candians sucked at the opening Ceremony. It was very very disappointing to see so much money waisted. I switched off the ceremony, because it was agonizing to watch. Hopefully London will be better. It can't be worse, Can it!
Sorry I missed it or am I!? have enjoyed the sports so far!
figures skating all seemed to look alike this year? or is it me? no one seemed unique? Except the Germans in their short one. Owell. It's the games and if they go too avant gard then the scorers will go beserk!
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Didn't watch the opening ceremonies, but I don't have much patience with pageantry. I'm not crazy about the Olympics in general, though I like to watch the figure skating. I'm watching the men's short program tonight. I have to say that Florent Amodio was enchanting. I thought Plushenko was dull by comparison. What did you think?
Didn't see it, or any of the Olympics yet, so I can't really comment.
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Austen - yes what a tragic waste of money!
Mommantor - so far nothing too avant garde, hee hee.
Merci - I am so happy Evan won!!!
Secret Agent - lucky you, didn't waste that time : )
Anony - glad to help, I think.
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