Saturday, March 06, 2010

Stop Your Whining!

Short post here, I'm doing this in the public library, so time on the Internet is limited (don't ask why I'm using the library Internet, cause I'm here and I'm lazy).

I wanted to comment on JoeinVegas last post (or the last one I saw, hee hee). It was about the American health care system. I for one can't stand the health care provided in this country, if you are semi-poor or working class. Yet, I'm tired of people complaining about it. If you want change, you have to work for it! You have to vote for the guys/girls who are going to actually want change. You can't complain about lack of health care in America and than go vote Republican. Put your money where you mouth is! People need to stop believing the lies propogated by Fox News Network and the multi-billion dollar insurance companies. What is it going to take for Americans in this country to wake up and realize that we have one of the WORSE health care systems in the world! I recently heard a story on NPR about some insurance company, I want to say Anthem, or maybe it was BCBS, increasing contribution rates this year, mind you each of their senior leaders took home six figure bonuses last year! Wake up America!

On another note, I'm elated to hear all-new episodes of Gossip Girl begin on Monday!!!


Blogger Merci said...

And now the republicans want the whole plan to go back to the drawing board. They've been stalling and undermining the process all along, and that's all they're doing now. They lie to the public abount the effects of the plan because all they know how to do anymore is whine and engage in fear-mongering. I'm tired of the republican plot to make the middle class poor and keep the poor in chains to the wealthy.

Sorry, I rant, but I'm tired of it.

4:02 PM  
Blogger secret agent woman said...

I expect you are preaching to the choir here.

5:51 PM  
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3:38 PM  
Blogger Bijoux said...

I always find it interesting that sheiks from Arab countries come here for their health care. We actually have the best health care in the world. We just don't give it away for free.

3:59 PM  
Blogger Virginia Gal said...

Merci - I'm tired of it too.

Secret Agent - you are right, preaching to the choir.

Cocotte - welcome! True we do have the best health care, I misspoke, we just have a horrible system of distribution. I just find it reprehensible that I work, in retail, have no health insurance, no options to me and essentially my health care coverage is akin to a woman in third world Africa.

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