Monday, May 28, 2012

Where in the world??

Apologies, apologies for being completely awol from the blogsphere - its been mad busy here. I have accepted a job back in DC, but am still working for non-descript airlines in Arizona. So I'm working two jobs. That won't be lasting too much longer but in the meantime it has been burning the candle at both ends. Naturally the first thing to go is computer time, if one is spending so much time, for work, in front of the computer, the last thing on wants to do is get back onto the computer for leisure, no?

This new job means shifting the family to DC and that involves a lot of logistics, especially with the baby. I am happy to be back in the DC area, but man I've forgotten how HOT summers can be in the South (smile). I hope everyone's summer is off to a great start!

Monday, May 07, 2012


Got to my parent's house for some job training...guess what, my lap top starts to die. What a pain the you know what....lap tops are not cheap! I had to get a brand new one, and of course then  they tack on all these other bells and whistles, its insane.

You know it feels like nowadays, one doesn't get as much for one's money. Everything in America seems to have gone up but our salaries - so frustrating!