Peace Out
Heading to DC for the's 1st Halloween, I promise to post pic's!
Sorry, sorry, sorry – I know I’ve been AWOL for much to long, the only excuse I can give is that annual enrollment has started at non-descript airlines and as I work in the Benefits group, we have been very busy
But now I am back! So much to talk about, where to start???
One of my good friends from grade school is expecting her 7th child. She is a devout Catholic. She has 6 children already, all under the age of 10. With this child she is having complications and has been forced to stay in the hospital. This means the father has had to look after the children. Everyone is praising the father for doing this, except me. My thinking of this situation is, “you are the father, you are suppose to be looking after the children, you are not doing anything extraordinary here.” My friend does this all day when he is at work (the kids are home schooled). Besides, you wanted all those children (my friend’s husband is a super strict Catholic) you should look after them, see what my friend goes through all day long, everyday 24/7. Am I wrong in not being impressed? I kind of see this hospital stay as an act of God, as a way for Him to force rest for my friend, otherwise, when does she get a break?
Well we now know the worth of a Palestinian life to the State of Israel – 1 Israel for 1,000 Palestinians (as seen in the current prisoner exchange). That seems about right if one follows Israeli politics; kill 1,000 Palestinians to make room for a settlement for one Israeli family, and that too, on occupied Palestinian land. I wish Israel would stop saying they are for peace when its clear through their continued settlement expansion into Palestinian terroritory that they are not (seems almost more like ethnic cleansing).
Took baby to a pumpkin patch this past weekend – she was completely frightened. Who would have thought rows and rows of big orange balls would scare an 8th month old so much?? She would not get down from either momma or daddy, clinging on for dear life. We will try again next year.
This bit (in red below) was in our daily electronic newsletter that all employee’s at non-descript airline get – I couldn’t agree more about the idea of making different security lanes for air passengers. I know, as a frequent traveler, I HATE getting behind someone in security who has never been on a plane or doesn’t know what to do, their pockets full of coins, wearing sneakers, a belt, having a laptop, you name it in slowing down the security line and they are doing it. Aye!