Happy New Year
Sorry for being awol of late - work has me traveling, back to DC! I took baby with me and the grandparents were in love! Of course this meant limited access to a computer, so no blog posts.
I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's! Baby's birthday is coming up, I can't believe she is a year old! I keep asking her to stop growing but she won't listen. Can't she stay my little baby who adores her Momma forever??
Last weekend my parents threw a huge birthday bash for her (hey its her first and this is their first grandchild, they totally spoil her). I was thinking, instead of sending traditional thank you cards, sending Arizona postcards - what do you think? Is that ok or tacky? Any way to jazz up this idea?? I've already done the putting personalized pictures of scenes from the party for another of baby's events, so I don't want to go that route again. Any suggestions for creative thank you cards would be appreciated!