My Yearly Rant on Virgin Atlantic
There are a few businesses out there in the world who I just despise - generally for political reasons, but there is one big company that I can't stand because of the awful way I've been treated by them (and for those of you who read this blog regularly are familiar with this rant)...Virgin Atlantic.
The worse customer service in the entire airline industry is from Virgin Atlantic!! Let me preface, I have traveled Virgin 3 times in the past, twice as an airline employee and once as a paying customer. All three times were unpleasant. To me, how an airline treats other airline employee's reflects a lot on the culture of that airline. Virgin treated me like dirt! The flight attendants were vapid and unhelpful (constantly reminding you that they are there for your safety). I felt like I was on the Titantic, in the section where Leo Di Caprio was in (3rd class). If they could have, I would not have been surprised if the flight attendants kicked your seat as they walked by. The gate agents and customer service personal have no idea how to speak to customers (barking is not good business, neither is ignoring customers in order to flirt between each other). I am convinced that the hiring process for Virgin is that the ruder you are the more likely you are to get hired. Virgin is also militant about their carry-on's anything bigger than a computer bag and you can forget it!
Don't believe the hype on Virgin Atlantic - all the fancy anemities they offer are now offered by every other airline. If you have to head to England you would do best to take British Airways!