New Job
Two days into the new job and I'm off mixed emotions. I love the job (back with non-descript airlines, in HR, if you can believe it?!).
However, I am very much missing baby while at work. I think I am having more separation anxiety than her! Part of the big problem is that she is not getting enough nap time. See at home she sleeps on her stomach but that is not American Pediatric Association approved. The daycare will only put her on her back. Doctors are now recommending on the back to reduce SIDS. But when we brought baby home she was having a lot of problems burping, with her stomach, so I would have her sleep on my me (on her stomach) and we just kept up that position even when she is in cradle. This has created the problem that at daycare she is not napping. She gets home and is so tired that she conks right out, leaving me with like an hour of playtime with her. I feel like I'm missing out on everything!!!
I think I'll give it a few more weeks, if things don't improve than I'll have to seriously re-consider the job - because she is the most important thing to me and I don't want to have any regrets where she is concerned.