Crying Kids at the Mosque
The Islamic holy month of fasting has begun again - first week in and I'm doing ok, though I tend to be very sleepy throughout the day, its that whole waking up at 4:30am that is killing me.
As a refresher, Ramadan is the month when we Muslims fast for 30 days, each day from sunrise to sunset we absolve from food, drink, water, medicine, gum, basically anything nurishing. The fast is a way for us to gain self-improvement, enlightment, empathy for fellow man and closeness to God.
Its this last one I'm trying really hard to work on, or to build on and yet it seems my best efforts are being defeated by my fellow Muslims, in particular ladies with crying kids.
During this holy month, every night the Mosque has prayers, its part of the spiritualism of Ramadan, we are to read the entire Quran (our holy book) in the 30 days. As you might be aware, an Islamic congregation is split, with a men's section and a women's section. And mind you it is not obligatory for ladies to even go to the mosque. So guess who comes to the mosque anyway - women with crying kids. This bothers me to no end!! I am there trying to listen to the reading of our holy book and instead having little Ali wailing his lungs out the entire time, sitting right in front or beside or behind me. Is this fair to me??
I find these women especially obtuse and selfish. You come to get your prayers in but have no regards for others prayers. If you can't afford a babysitter, don't come! If your kid can't be quiet, don't come! If you are there to socialize, don't come! I am just very tired of it, to the point where I"m thinking of putting up signs in the mosque, anonymously of course (smile).
Am I in the wrong here? I just think its really rude when you know you don't even have to come and yet you do and bring your crying infant, who you know is going to cry and disturb the rest of us, go outside, pray on the front porch or something - sheesh!