State Dinner and stodgy CIA types

On another note, I am glad that the Secret Service has pie on their face. I'm not a fan of the Secret Service, since it has come out that most of the guys who work in that agency are Republicans (ex-military). I worry that they are not really working very hard to keep President Obama safe, since they don't like him (and this gate crashing incident is a perfect example).
I work with a guy (in my part-time retail job) who is ex-CIA, devoutly Republican, similar to what I imagine these Secret Service people are like. These people have absolutely NO sense of humor and they do everything by the book - like a drone or robot. It creeps me out. I guess maybe I was never raised that way, but I like to think creatively, not this guy.
For example if Corporate sends a diagram of how they want a display to look, he does it exactly as they show, but say the store doesn't have enough of some product that should be on the display, this guy will have that place just sit empty, whereas I would try to fill in with another product that is sitting in the backroom, gathering dust. In my opinion Corporate would rather have sales instead of a perfect display but no sales since a product, any product, is sitting in the back. This guy just examplfies how soliders or secret service agents can do bad things - he takes an order, doesn't ask questions, doesn't think, i.e. allows gate crashers in. I don't agree with that - its in those instances when we have situations like Abu Grahib and my My Lai Massacre. I hope the next state dinner is a better success....and I get an invitation!