More of my boss
Sorry for being awol of late - was going to write last week, but than my boss made my life horrible again, just before he left for the holidays (aye, what is his problem?! Its like he enjoys ruining my holidays).
It did get me to it me? Am I a difficult employee? I don't think so. But how to know? And yet I can't think that is the case, because I have had jobs where I was I a long standing employee and one wouldn't be a long standing employee if they were difficult. And in those instances the managers and I got along fine. I think perhaps my problem is that I can't deal with with bad managers. If you are a good manager who doesn't micromanage my every move, I am a better employee.
I know I must be doing something good, the head of the department did thank me for all my work right before we left on Thursday. As I say to my husband, this boss is going to become the head of the department at the end of the year and I have to imagine that my boss's micromanaging personality is going to manifest itself onto the other professors, because he will be there boss as well.
And than my sister says that perhaps I am not flourishing in this job is because it is not what I wanted and after working so hard for two years to get my MBA, this is most definitely a step backwards. Does that make sense?
Either way, I'm resigning, the baby is on the way and I don't need this negativity in my life.