EIght Things About Me
I was tagged by the fabulous Molly Malone to do this memo about writing eight things about myself that perhaps my friends do not know. So here goes....
1. My favorite food is anything that I don't have to cook. It's official I don't like cooking, but I enjoy eating, so guess that means I should marry a man who likes to cook or has his own chief, no?
2. I have never found the old television show I Love Lucy funny, I do not even watch it....does that make me unpatriotic?
3. I worry that I will be a bad parent, if God graces me with any children, that my kids will be completely messed up.
4. I wish that God would drop a magic eight ball during one of my prayers and tell me exactly what I should do with my life : )
5. I am constantly humbled by the kindness and generosity of my friends. A recent blog post by a good longtime childhood friend Jelly Kean had me in tears. She described how she gave this homeless kid $20, the story wasn't written to toot her own horn but to make a point about her life in NYC. However the humanity in her act was like that of a guardian angel to this gentleman, somebody's son who had lost their way. Truly I think God has blessed me with an incredible family and amazing friends!
6. I think there is something seriously wrong with you if you won't vote for Mitt Romney just because he is Mormon. I saw a news story about him on the campaign trail where this older gentleman wouldn't shake Romney's hand because Romney was Mormon, good lord - what is that about?! Don't vote for him because he's a Republican, because you disagree with his policies, because you think he will not lead the country in the right direction, but not because of his religion - that is just ignorant.
7. The one thing I love about living in Richmond, Virginia during the school year is that when you ask for ice tea, it is pre-sweetened! Southern waiters/waitresses look at you funny if you even ask that question, as if internally saying, "duh its sweetened," even at the Southern fast-food places! People in the North - what is this idea of non-sweetened ice tea? Yuck!
8. Am I total geek but I can spend hours at the local Barnes & Noble and be completely happy. I just finished reading A Long Way Gone, by Ishmael Beah. It is the tale of a boy solider in Sierra Leone. A very sad and moving story that I think all high school seniors should read, to understand that even our worst neighborhoods in America can't compare to the savagery of a life lived in a war-torn country. To read what this boy went through (seeing his family killed, to be brainwashed to kill, to constantly be chased by the demon of death) is to weep that humans can do this to each other and yet at the end of the book there is a glimmer of hope that maybe just maybe there is some salvation for the human race. We are not all bad.
There - that is my eight things, some serious, some not so much. Part of the game was to tag five people, which is always hard for me. I shall tag Adorable Tony, JoeinVegas, Kate, Merci and Mommantor, but all are welcome and encouraged to play! Love from Virginia Gal