Post Tramatic Stress Disorder
I am suffering from office post traumatic stress disorder. Regular readers of this blog will remember that last year at this time I had begin working as an Administrative Assistant at a local Phoenix university. Also, you will recollect that this was not a pleasant experience as I had the boss from hell. He was a complete micro-manger, would not even let me send out my own emails without checking it first. Every day working there was like going to battle. I had to steer myself up and each time this awful manager would communicate with me, my defenses were raised. I had to be defensive because he was always looking for excuses to find fault. It made me second guess every comment or note I received from him and in that office.
Switch to today and I’m back with good ol’e non-descript airlines, my extended family! However, I am having difficulty letting go of my defensiveness. My boss is nothing like that horrible guy at the university, yet I read her emails and sometimes her comments immediately start to get my hackles up. I am cognizant I am doing this but how to remove that barrier? I think its that defensiveness which is also hindering my becoming closer to other members in the department. How does one recover from a bad boss experience??