Wacky lady and other observations
Riding the Metro the other day, to get to work, I was sitting in the handicap seats (hello I have a cast on my foot, oh yay did I mention I broke a bone in my left foot). This lady gets on the train and stands immediately right in front of me, facing me - though there was space to stand in the middle of train. If I had stood up this lady and I would have been kissing! Has she never heard of personal space? Sheesh!
Why John Edwards? Because I voted for him in 2004 (primaries), LOVE that he has apologized for voting for the war (owing up to his mistakes), pro-union, working for universal health care, pro-choice, not a religious fanatic, intelligent, funny, and in my opinion the best bet to win the nation-wide election.
Commuting to Richmond (two hours away from DC) on Tuesdays and Thursday's for class - why are people such stupid drivers? IQ testing as part of the driving certificate now!!
Speaking of class....I'm not enjoying some of my classmates - the course is taught in the Socrates method (question & response, not lectures). A few of the students, who work in finance (ahem unfair advantage) are always dropping acroynms and instead of being supportive, work to tear down those of us who don't understand. I HATE BEING MADE TO FEEL INFERIOR - f&$# you I say to those classmates, I'm not dumb I just don't do math that fast, super you're great at math, but you're probably crap at something else.
It's interesting, I went to P-'s wedding this past weekend. He and I had never met, only communicating via email. I was nervous to see him in person, what if it was akward, what if we had nothing to say once face to face? But no way!! - it was like we had been friends since childhood! I had a blast at his big day, will write more later.
Why do the same people who shop Wal-Mart (as Molly Malone says beating the crap out of their kid in the housecleaner's aisle) also fly Southwest? When did air travel go from glamorous to common?
Why is Elizabeth Hasselbeck a Republican? She's a young Anglo-Saxen Protestant, affluent, happily married with lots of opportunities in life handed to her without struggle - wait I just answered my question. PS I have no sympathy for her - because she supports a party that if you can't give empathy to your fellow human beings you can't expect it in return.
Pirates Three - better than Two but not as good as One, bittersweet ending.