Kelly Clarkson CD Review

I know the music critics have panned the CD, but I REALLY like it. There are a lot of girl angtsy songs, but here's my thing - there are a lot of angtsy girls out there, me included. We have been burned by romance, love, there is still a bitter taste there (be it ever so lingering) and Kelly's songs just hit these nerves. She has great Girl Power anthems, without being so pop-y. Her music is more like a mix of genres, rock, accoustic soul, pop, jazz. I'm currently enamoured with the songs "Never Again" "Sober" and "One Minute" I also like "Haunted" about a love lost. From Virginia Gal, I highly recommend this CD.
Traffic Complaint - For God's sake, on Wednesday when I was driving to the airport to catch my Boston flight, some moron got into an accident, closing (wait for it), ALL four lanes of 95 northbound. That's right - ALL FOUR LANES! I really think there should be some fines inacted if you are found to be the cause of an accident at rush hour. This person nearly made me miss my flight! People who cause accidents at rush hour (at an already critical time) should be punished for inconveniencing all the rest of us! The money could be used for the greater good of society, maybe increase police pay?? And hopefully these heavy fines will make people drive with their brains on, instead of the current off situation - hence causing all these problems!
Sidenote - guess who was on my plane again on Monday - from Boston to DC - John Kerry! I swear I must muster up some courage and speak with him!