Deliciously warm weather here today in Denmark - but it is about my side trip to Malmo, Sweden that is the subject of this post.
I went yesterday, with a group of friends from CBS to Malmo, Sweden. Its about 30 minutes from Copenhagen; very simple to get there from Copenhagen, just hop on the train and voila, you're there before you know it. It was a beautiful sunny day and complimented the trip perfectly. Malmo, as the picture above should give you a clue, is this charming small Swedish costal city. Reminds me of a college town. We walked all around the city, saw the viking ships, castle, city square and their historic part of the village (which is where the picture is taken from). I'm sorry if this makes me sound like a crass American, but doesn't it remind you of an amuesment park; like I'm in Busch Gardens or something?
You cross over a tiny portion of the North Sea to get from Denmark to Sweden and some in my group took these amazing photos of the bridge and the wind turbines that are placed in the water (for energy purposes, gotta love Scandanvia, very environmentally friendly!). Unfortunately they haven't sent me those pictures yet so I couldn't post them.
All the exchange students are eagerly making trips to see various parts of Europe and yet I am not. Having, through my airline travels, seen most of the big cities in Europe, I really just want to focus on Scandanvia - is that strange? Let's see, I've been to London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Venice, Vienna, Prague, Milan, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Madrid, Malaga, Lisbon, Stockholm, Athens, and even parts of Russia - St. Petersburg and Moscow, so I'd rather go to new locations I haven't seen or experienced, which might not be the big names but are adventures in themselves, no? I don't know, I kind of get the impression from many of the exchange students that this is the wrong thinking......
Well enough pondering, off to get some studying done, trips to Sweden are fun but they also push reading assignments for another day (smile).