Frontline/Deadliest Catch
I just watched an amazing episode of Frontline (on PBS), it was about the invading Taliban in Pakistan. It was very insightful as to how the entire cult of Taliban works. What really struck me and what has lately been firing me up is how much poverty plays a role. Poverty makes for susceptible recruits to the Taliban. According to the news reporter there are 800,000 plus children in Pakistan, a quarter of which live in poverty. Why are we not working to keep these innocent kids from the clutches of the Taliban. I don't know, but I feel like we would be best to use our resources for fighting this poverty instead of spending money on torture. I wonder which would yield the best long term results??
Of course torture is much more manly for Napoleon complexed men like Dick Cheney than the humbling act of lifting people out of abject misery and bare human existence, no?? We claim to be such a Christian nation, why is there no empathy for this poverty, these children? We have no qualms about spending million on weapons but balk at building schools - I wonder which one Jesus (PBUH) would back (sarcastic).
On the flip side I'm getting back into the Discovery Channel television show, The Deadliest Catch. I know some of my fellow bloggers watch this show. Despite knowing pretty much what goes on in the catching of crabs, I'm still hooked (no pun intended but certainly appreciated). I'm secretly crushing on the Northwestern crew member Jake. He is a cutie with startling hypnotic eyes (does anyone know are they blue or green?). Besides who can't get into the pure masculinity of this entire process....