Thursday, May 27, 2010

Save Wildlife

Sometimes it just happens you find a commercial that either makes you laugh or smile, and this above YouTube is just that television advertisement. I love the animals, they are adorable, though the otter is my favorite, particularly with him holding onto the side of the basin, so precious!

It is sad though, when you think about the deeper message behind the spot - that animals need to be cleaned off and up by oil spills, man-made oil spills. Naturally, Dawn has timed this with the tragedy in the Gulf with the BP spill. My dear friend, My Mind Wanders, blogged on the Gulf spill a few days ago and I agree with her. I feel so helpless and yet how can I stand around and do nothing. if I at least write a letter to my Senator, perhaps we can move away from using fossil foals and move to more earth friendly energy sources. In the meantime I shall also buy those Dawn Dishwashing bottles with the animals on it, where Proctor and Gamble donates $1 to the Wildlife rescue and my adorable otters.

Need a beach read for the summer - why not go to your local library and pick it up!
Public libraries have some great advantages such as collections designed for a general audience, at all research levels. Extensive online collections that can be accessed from any computer with a public library card number. Youth services librarians with extensive experience working with school groups. Wonderful historical collections and archives. No pun intended but CHECK IT OUT!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Job Search et al

  • Please tell me that unemployment is still a problem in this country and that others are having difficulty finding a job, as I am. Nothing like making you feel like a total zero than job searching. God, I miss the days of youth, when President Clinton was in office and I had just graduated from college and there were more jobs than people. It was a new hire's market!
  • Hey teenagers, don't come into the store just to walk around and talk on your cell phone, go stand outside, why even come into the store? PS - you do know you look like a complete dork, right?
  • Why is everyone so upset at President Obama? Please remember he didn't create this mess, he INHERITED it!
  • How come Tom Selleck never plays a bad guy? So typically Republican, he only plays strong men who fight for justice, if you only take the same role over and over again, are you acting?
  • Confession, my ultimate television guilty pleasure is The Real Housewives of New Jersey. I know much of it is staged but I can't get enough of my Jersey girls, its a hoot! Plus, I think there might be some mob connections, tee hee.
  • The Sacramento Library system is starting up a Jane Austen book club, I hope this catches on, I would love to join one where I am living!
  • Does any else wonder how Nicholas Sparks gets published? What awful saccharin books he writes! The sad part is that his books are always on the bestseller list. Just goes to prove those lists are not very indicative of the best in the publishing world.

Deciding on taking a trip which involves flying - try this site! It searches all the other travel websites including airlines pages and gives you the lowest price. It also gives you various flight options, non stop vs. 1-stop, times, etc. I use this site first when looking for airfare, it costs you nothing, so next time you are booking, give it a try!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The New Job and Car Hire Dublin Airport

This picture embodies my current mood. I recently got a second part time job with an airline here in Arizona. I have been trying to enjoy it but one of my managers is making my life miserable! This job stinks! This one assistant manager has decided she doesn't like me and now I can do nothing right! This woman (big surprise a female manager who is terrible at her job) is now sending me daily email criticisms. I can't stand it. What was once a fun job is now hell. What is it about me that makes me a target? Am I a prickly personality and this gets people's heckles up?

How should I proceed? This manager has decided I can do nothing right, and yet I have to work with her everyday. I have been trying to stay under the radar but she watches me like a hawk, looking for anything to criticize. She picks on what I wear every day (yeah because this is going to make or break the airline business). Its become that I am afraid to go to work. I have emailed the station supervisor, I can't work in this environment. I am actively looking for other employment, but what else can be done?? Any suggestions?

Now more than ever I need a vacation! Thinking of taking one yourself, consider the beautiful Emerald Isle! Its only a 6 hour flight from the East Coast and once you reach Dublin or Cork, you can find happy people, warm spirits and a Car Hire Ireland! Visit the country of James Joyce and the Celts, stopping to enjoy the loving history and heritage - at this time of the year the weather will be perfect. So what are you waiting for - Erin Go Bragh!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

Thanks to everyone for their well wishes about my sister - you guys are the best! My sister is doing good, just her neck is a little swollen from the surgery, but the doctor said that is too be expected. She will be back to work by the end of the week.

Yet that is not what this blog post is about, the meat and potatoes is actually regarding my current job (I work two jobs right now). My primary gig is at a retail store in Scottsdale, Arizona. If you are not familiar with it, Scottsdale is an affluent part of the Phoenix suburbs. The store is in a very high end mall in Scottsdale - this mall has Barneys, Chanel, Louie Vuitton and Neimen Marcus to name a few shops. I work in a gourmet food store which fits into the theme of this mall but is considerably less expensive than say Brighton's or Nordstroms.

At the store we offer free food samples as well as free mini cups of coffee. I can't even begin to tell you the number of people who come to the mall and expect their free samples (which are a courtesy not a mandate). I hate that sense of entitlement! They come in with their Nordstrom and Juicy Couture shopping bags and angle for free food. Why are you even at this mall if you can't afford to buy food?! I am amazed at the hutzpah of these people! I suppose this is what makes rich people rich, they buy one small thing from some fancy store and than troll the mall looking for free food. They will often come in for multiple samples (filling up huge cups of coffee) or argue for extra stuff.

For example, today I had a lady come in with a coupon dated April 15th for a free item, I chose to honor it, though it was clearly expired. She than wanted a fancy gift bag for her free stuff, I gave it to her. Than she wanted fancy ribbon for the free item (we do custom baskets at the store, which is were we use the ribbon), I gave her a left over piece from one of the baskets we made. She rejected it, because it was scuffed on one end and asked for new ribbon - mind you in this entire transaction she hasn't bought a single thing! What gall! I had had enough and gave her a flippant answer, I know, I know, this was not good customer service but I had had enough, she got the hint.

I swear one could make a sociological study of these people's behaviors, sometimes I feel like I'm at the zoo - the zoo filled with selfish, self-centered, greedy rich people.


Get a gift for any occasion that you won't see on the yard sale table 6 months later....check out this food delivery company! Food is something everyone needs and can use. Give them a gift THEY will love YOU for! (Also delivers to Canada).

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Sister's Surgery

I am back from Virginia. I went out because my sister was having surgery this past Tuesday. They found a cyst on her thyroid. Thank God, it was benign. We (my entire family) were very worried, she is only 30, she should not be dealing with cancer at her age. It definitely made me grateful to God that as children, my sister and I never had any of these issues. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like for parents with sick children - how hard it must be.

Have to say the hospital staff were extra super nice to my sister, I've never seen such nice people (reminder to self to tell sister to maybe send a gift to her recovery team). One of the nurses even came by with ice cream in the afternoon after my sister's surgery because my sister had mentioned it before the surgery (how she loves ice cream). It was really sweet.

Now my poor Mother is taking care of the invalid (well not really invalid as much as groggy patient, hopped up on painkillers). Good luck with that Mum!

I return to stinky Arizona (the pilot on my Denver to Phoenix flight had the audacity to say "The great state of Arizona." hrmph!), with a sore throat, thank you Dad (smile).

Summer heat hitting you, need something to cool down with, like to try all things unique and unusual.....hit the Starbucks Happy Hour. Between May 7 - May 16, enjoy a half-price Frappuccino blended beverage at participating Starbucks in the afternoon - 3 to 5pm.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Car Hire Dublin Airport

I'm not sad or even remotely upset that Goldman Sacks is having problems of late. And you want to know why.....those jerks rejected me for an internship in the summer between the first and second year of my MBA studies. Yes, I know, Virginia Gal you shouldn't hold a grudge, but so what, I am! They thought I wasn't good enough for them, turns out all those top notch Harvard and MIT MBA's were no good either - hrmpfh!

Also on my list is Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns, both who didn't even have the courtesy to send me a form rejection letter! The sad part in this is that I wasn't even applying for the financial services section, but rather in their Human Resources or as they call them Talent Management departments. I would like to think if they had hired me for the summer, maybe I wouldn't have picked some of the nitwits that contributed to the collapses of these corporations and the American economy!

This just goes to prove, dash Virginia Gal's dreams and bad things will happen to you!

Anyone following Gossip Girl Season 3?? Please break up Dan and Vanessa, they are so boring! More of Chuck and Blair and for God's sake, make Jenny have more of a backbone and less of a follower! Also, does everyone agree Serena is as flaky as dandruff? In this season alone she has declared undying love for 1. Carter 2. Tripp 3. Nate (is there anyone I'm forgetting??).

Bustling around the lovely country of Ireland for a family reunion or just for a vacation - there are many options for Car Hire Dublin Airport. Remember 'Go Where Ireland Takes You.'