I am just boiling mad and had to get this off my chest.
Currently we Muslims are observing the most holy of months in our religious calender, Ramadan. It is the month of fasting, when we are suppose to not only physically fast (no food or drink during the day) but also to improve our selves, to be better human beings.
With that preface, I am unutterably disheartened, disgusted, angry about these bombings in New Delhi, India that happened today. Where is the self-reflection of Ramadan in killing innocent people, for God knows what reason?!!!! You freaking morons!!!
And what angers me is that this is happening in India; generally known for peaceful Muslim relations. I know these idiots who claimed to have done this are not Indian Muslims. They are outsiders, namely Arab's or Pakistani's, who have come into India to stir up the pot. What the he$@ is wrong with you?! I'm so sorry your country is f*&k'ed up, but why don't you clean that up instead of wrecking havoc elsewhere. you jerks!!!
As it is Muslims have, in recent years, been the scapegoats in Indian politics. The Indian politic party that was in power for a while in the 1990's, the BJP, was based almost soley on the racist premise that Muslims are bad for India and needed to be explelled from the country (yeah similar to the Nazi's or the Serb's). These stupid outsiders, who did this bombing, are not helping anything (well that is a duh statement in itself) but definitely NOT helping Indian Muslims.
New Delhi is like my second home, I spent nearly every summer there during my childhood. I know these shopping locations where the bomb blasts went off, the shop owners, the cast of characters who inhibit that area. I am broken hearted that this has happened in this location, which I associate with happy memories and I only pray that these a&*hole's are caught and caught soon and as far as I'm concerned, since they are so-called Muslims, they deserve to be punished the Islamic way, "an eye for an eye," (stoning or hanging works for me).
May Allah bless those who were killed and injured in these blasts, regardless of their faith, and comfort their families with His light and grace.
Here is a link on the bombing story -